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289 Resultados de su búsqueda "Exercise: Misc.".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 289

Exercise in Pregnancy Might Lower Baby's Odds for Asthma Later

A child’s risk of asthma can be cut by nearly half if their mother regularly works out while expecting, a new study says.

Exercising three or more times a week while pregnant reduces a child’s risk of asthma by about 46%, researchers reported Oct. 9 in the journal Med.

This level of protection...

Choosing the Right Rehab for Yourself or a Loved One

You've broken a hip and rehabilitation is part of the way back to mobility, or your partner has suffered a stroke and needs help re-learning certain skills.

These scenarios play out every day for Americans, and rehabilitation therapies are often needed. But what kind of therapy is best, and where can you find it?

One expert has tips on finding the best rehab for you.

Could Certain Genes Help You Slim Down?

The key to weight loss could come down to a combination of 14 “skinny genes,” a recent study says.

People with these genes dropped twice as much weight through regular exercise compared to those without the genes, researchers found.

Those with the most of these genetic markers lost up to 11 pounds following eight weeks of

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • October 11, 2024
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  • Sitting Less Helps Prevent Back Pain From Getting Worse

    Avoiding couches and chairs might be a good way of keeping your back pain from getting worse, new research suggests.

    Finnish researchers found that when people with back pain sat even a little less each day, their pain was less like to progress over the next six months.

    “If you have a tendency for back pain or excessive sitting and are concerned for your back health, you can t...

    Sports Injuries: How They're Treated, and How Soon You Can Safely Return to Play

    A tumble, a tackle: Anything can bring on a sidelining sports injury.

    Now, four experts in such injuries at Penn State Health give advice on recovery and when it's okay to return to play.

    AC shoulder sprains

    This happens when your acromioclavicular (AC) joint pops out and separates or is sprained, typically after a fall that lands on the shoulder area. You'r...

    Being a 'Weekend Warrior' Can Cut Your Odds for 200 Diseases

    There’s good news for folks who struggle to fit regular exercise into their busy workweek.

    “Weekend warrior” workouts are just as beneficial as daily exercise to a person’s overall health, a new study says.

    People who get all their weekly recommended...

    Yoga, Other Exercise Can Curb Urinary Incontinence in Women

    Millions of women struggle with the discomfort and stress of urinary incontinence, and many turn to medications for help.

    Now, new research suggests that yoga and other exercise regimens might work just as well to control these bladder issues.

    Researchers at Stanford University report that 12 weeks of yoga pr...

    Blood Sugar Worries Keep Many With Type 1 Diabetes From Exercise

    Fear of a having a low blood sugar crash dissuades many people with type 1 diabetes from getting the exercise they need, a new study finds.

    However, people were more likely to engage in exercise if their doctor discussed how to manage their diabetes while working out, resear...

    Exercising Can Help You Have Healthier Belly Fat

    Annoyed that you still have a bit of tummy even though you work out all the time?

    Exercise actually is helping you develop healthier belly fat tissue, a new study says.

    That means that even if you don’t obtain six-pack abs, exercise is good for your long-term health, researchers said.

    “Our findings indicate that in addition to being a means to expend calories, exer...

    Kids' Organized Sports Are Increasingly for the Well-Off

    Participation in youth sports is becoming a “haves” versus “have-nots” situation, a new study shows.

    Income, education and social class are determining who can play in youth sports leagues, with the children of more privileged families more likely to hit the field or court, researchers reported recently in the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • August 23, 2024
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  • PE Class: It Can Boost a Child's Body and Mind

    A quality physical education program involves more than just getting kids to move for a set amount of time during the school day, experts say.

    PE classes can teach lessons not found in any other classroom, Erika Mundt, a PE teacher at Iowa West City High School in Iowa.


    Diabetes Run in Your Family? Diet, Exercise Can Still Prevent It

    Folks can overcome their genetic risk for type 2 diabetes through healthy diet and regular exercise, a new study says.

    A healthy lifestyle reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by 70% among a group of people with a high genetic likelihood of developing the metabolic diso...

    Here Are the Barriers Keeping People With Disabilities From Exercise

    Many people with disabilities aren’t getting the exercise they need because fitness centers don’t offer adaptive equipment or staff trained in helping the disabled, a new review finds.

    There are few efforts by most commercial gyms to promote fitness for people with disabilities, said review author Alex...

    Sit a Lot? Exercise Might Offset the Damage to Your Health

    People can offset hours spent sitting around with minutes of active exercise each week, a new study claims.

    Folks who are sedentary for eight or more hours daily can lower their overall risk of death – and especially their risk of dying from heart disease...

    Doing Everyday Chores Isn't Enough to Protect You From Stroke

    Puttering around the home or office isn’t enough to protect a person from stroke, a new study says.

    People need to be more active to lower their stroke risk, either by exercising in their free time or biking or walking to work, results show.

    “Physical activity during leisure time and as transportation is becoming increasingly important now that many jobs and domestic ac...

    These Injuries Can Keep Olympians From the Gold

    WEDNESDAY, July 31, 2024 (HealthDay News) — U.S. gymnast Simone Biles vowed to continue her quest for Olympic gold after injuring her calf in a qualifying round at the Paris games.

    Meanwhile, a thigh injury forced French soccer captain Wendie Renardout of competition in a loss to Canada.

    And the L.A. Clippers' Kawhi Leonard was forced to sit out the games entirely due to infl...

    Is There a Peak Performance Age for Olympians?

    The Olympics are often described as a rare, once-in-a-lifetime shot at international sports glory.

    That may be more true for Olympic track and field competitors than other athletes, a new study reports.

    There appears to be a peak performance age for track and field athletes, who specialize in running, jumping and throwing events, researchers report.

    It turns out that the peak ...

    Biking, Walking to Work a Game-Changer for Health

    Bicycling to work can vastly improve your health and reduce your risk of death, a new study shows.

    People who bike commute have a 47% lower overall risk of an early death, researchers found.

    They also are less likely to develop heart disease, cancer an...

    Does Exercise Near Bedtime Really Disrupt Sleep? Maybe Not

    Exercise near bedtime won't necessarily wreck a person's sleep, a new study says.

    Intense exercise is typically discouraged as bedtime approaches, since such activity can disturb sleep by increasing body temperature and heart rate, researchers said.

    But short resistance exercise "a...

    Four in 10 Cancer Cases, Nearly Half of Cancer Deaths Linked to Lifestyle

    Nearly half of cancer deaths and 4 of 10 cases of cancer are linked to a person's lifestyle, a new study says.

    Cigarette smoking remains the biggest cancer risk, contributing to 30% of cancer deaths and 20% of cancer cases, results show.

    But excess body weight, drinking, lack of exercise, diet and skipping cancer-preventing vaccinations also increase a person's risk of developing or...

    When Diet, Exercise Delay Diabetes Diagnosis, Long-term Health Improves

    Prediabetes can be successfully fought through diet and exercise, a new study shows.

    People with prediabetes can reduce their long-term risk of death and illness if they use diet and exercise to delay the onset of diabetes for just four years, according to findin...

    Tips to Staying Germ-Free at the Gym

    Going to the gym is good for your overall health, but if you and the gym aren't practicing good hygiene you could still catch a nasty illness, an expert says.

    "Good hygiene prevents sicknesses like a cold, influenza and even salmonella, but cleanliness can also indicate that a gym is well-maintained overall, including the quality of equipment,"said

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • July 4, 2024
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  • Página completa
  • Exercise May Prevent the Nerve Damage That Comes With Chemotherapy

    Simple exercises performed during rounds of chemotherapy can help people avoid nerve damage normally associated with the cancer-killing drugs, a new study suggests.

    About twice as many cancer patients on chemo wound up with long-lasting nerve damage if they didn...

    More Green Spaces, Lakes Bring Fewer Hardened Arteries

    Parks and lakes aren't just good for your soul -- new research suggests they also appear to protect your arteries.

    Living near green space and "blue"water space lowers a person's odds of hardened arteries in middle-aged urban dwellers, researchers found.

    For every 10% increase in access to green space, the odds of having coronary artery calcification decline by 15%, on average, acco...

    Sports Injuries: Your Guide to Helping Your Child Heal

    Youth sports are important for the development of children and teenagers, but there's no sure way to ensure a youngster doesn't get hurt while competing.

    That's why it's important for parents to spot and appropriately respond to their children's sports injuries, Dr. Eileen Crawford, an orthopedic surgeon with ...

    Who Do You Look to as Your Health 'Role Model'?

    Role models are important in health as well as in life, but such inspiration is more likely to come from your mom than a celebrity like Dwayne "The Rock"Johnson, a new study says.

    People had greater motivation to reach their health goals if they looked to a person in their everyday life"a friend, relative or ...

    Getting Your Exercise in Nature May Bring Added Benefits

    Exercising in natural surroundings -- a jog through a park, a bicycle ride along a trail -- could be more beneficial than working out indoors, a new review suggests.

    However, access to natural areas that are public varies widely, with not everyone having the chance to exercise ou...

    Exercise at One Time of Day Might Be Best for Blood Sugar Control

    Folks trying to control their blood sugar levels might do best to work out in the evening, a new study suggests.

    Exercise performed between 6 p.m. and midnight appeared to be better at controlling blood sugar levels all day long, according to results published June 10 in the journal Obesity.

    This was partic...

    Moving Off the Couch Brings Healthy Aging: Study Finds Benefit

    It's tempting to binge-watch TV, but yet another study finds that when it comes to healthy aging, the less time on your sofa, the better.

    The study looked at 20 years of data on more than 45,000 people taking part in the Nurses' Health Study. All were at least age 50 in 1992 and free of chronic disease when they entered the study.

    Researchers tracked lifestyle habits like time sitti...

    Lifestyle Changes May Slow or Prevent Alzheimer's in People at High Risk

    New research shows that a set of healthy lifestyle habits can help preserve brain function in folks with mild cognitive impairment or early dementia.

    About 71% of patients who ate healthy, exercised regularly and engaged in stress management had their dementia symptoms either remain stable or improve without the use of any

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • June 7, 2024
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  • Have High Blood Pressure? Weekly Workout May Lower Risk to Your Brain

    Vigorous exercise more than once a week can lower the risk of dementia for people with high blood pressure, a new clinical trial shows.

    People who engaged each week in vigorous physical activity had lower rates of mild cognitive impairment and dementia despite their h...

    Could Tough Workouts Trigger a Hot Flash?

    While going through menopause, many women who gain weight head to the gym for intense workouts, but new research suggests that too much exercise may help trigger another side effect: hot flashes.

    In a report published May 29 in the journal

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 31, 2024
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  • 'Moving Forward': Battling Parkinson's, He's Rowing His Way to Paralympic Games

    For decades, Todd Vogt has been dedicated to the sport of rowing, believing he was in peak physical condition. Then, a series of symptoms began to emerge, turning his life upside down.

    "My left arm stopped swinging, and I felt incredibly fatigued," Vogt, 49, recalled. "Eventually,...

    Tracking Exercise by Steps or Minutes? Study Finds Either Method Boosts Health

    Some folks like to count their daily steps, while others prefer exercising for a certain amount of time during a day or a week.

    Luckily, either approach boosts health, a new study finds.

    Exercise targets based on either step count or minutes are equally associated with lowe...

    Pushing the Body in 'Extreme' Sports Won't Shorten Life Span

    Athletes who push themselves to maximum performance don't appear to pay a price when it comes to their longevity, a new study says.

    The first 200 athletes to run a mile in under four minutes actually outlived the general population by nearly five years on av...

    Study Finds Heart Damage in 'Couch Potato' Kids

    Children and young adults who are couch potatoes could wind up with enlarged hearts, increasing their risk of heart attack, stroke and early death.

    Sedentary behavior contributed as much as 40% to the total increase in heart size between the ages of 17 and 24, researchers found.


    Staying Fit Boosts Kids' Mental Health

    The benefits of physical fitness for kids spill over into their mental health, new research shows.

    Getting plenty of exercise may guard against depressive symptoms, anxiety and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a new study published April 29 in the journal J...

    Living Healthy Counters Effects of 'Life-Shortening' Genes

    Doctors argue that genetics aren't destiny when it comes to a person's health, and a study appears to support that notion.

    A healthy lifestyle can offset the effects of life-shortening genes by more than 60%, researchers found.

    People at high genetic risk of a curtailed lifespan could extend their life expectancy by nearly 5.5 years if they've adopted a healthy lifestyle by age 40, ...

    Take the Stairs & Step Up to Longer Life

    Want to live longer? Choose the stairs over the elevator, a new review suggests.

    Folks who regularly climb stairs have a 24% reduced risk of dying from any cause, and a 39% reduced risk of dying from heart disease, compared to those who always take the eleva...

    Birth Control Pill Might Lower Odds for Sports Injuries

    Active women using the pill appear to receive an added bonus from their birth control, a new study says.

    These women are less likely to suffer sprains and strains than women not on birth control, researchers reported recently in the journal Medicine & Science...

    Walking Your Way to Better Health

    Walking is one of the best exercises available to average folks, and it can be as easy as stepping out your front door, experts say.

    "It is something you can easily fit into your lifestyle,"said Dr. James McDeavitt, professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation and executive vice president and dean of clinical affai...

    Exercise Could Help Your Heart by Calming the Brain: Study

    You know exercise is great for your cardiovascular health, but new research suggests that your brain has a lot to do with it.

    It's all about physical activity's ability to lower stress levels within the brain, explained a team at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston.

    Bolstering that finding, their study found that exercise brought the greatest heart benefits to peop...

    It May Be Fine to Exercise During Long COVID

    People with Long COVID might be able to exercise to improve their health, something that up to now has been discouraged, a new study suggests.

    "The World Health Organization [WHO] and other major bodies have said that people with post-COVID should avoid intense exercise,"said lead researcher

    Active Workstations Could Make You Smarter at Work

    Desks that require folks to stand or move as they work also might help them produce better results on the job, a new study suggests.

    People's brains became sharper when working at a desk that made them stand, step or walk rather than sit, results show.

    Reasoning scores in particular improved when at an active workstation, researchers said.

    "It is feasible to blend movement wit...

    Just 30 Minutes Less Sitting Time Per Day Cuts Seniors' High Blood Pressure

    Seniors wound up with lower blood pressure after they were coached to get up and move more often, a new study says.

    Health coaching successfully reduced sitting time for a group of older adults by just over 30 minutes a day, according to a report published March 27 in the journal JAMA Network Open<...

    Obesity Genes Mean Some Folks Must Exercise More for Same Results

    Some folks struggling with obesity appear to be hampered by their own genes when it comes to working off those extra pounds, a new study finds.

    People with a higher genetic risk of obesity have to exercise more to avoid becoming unhealthily heavy, researchers discovered.


    More Weightlifters Are Injuring Heads, Faces During Workouts

    The weight room is becoming an increasingly dangerous place for folks trying to get into shape, a new study discovers.

    Head and facial injuries related to weightlifting have increased sharply during the past decade for both men and women, researchers found.

    Between 2013 and 2022, the annual rate of exercise- and weightlifting-related

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 22, 2024
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  • Página completa
  • Can You Build Muscle in Old Age? Yes, and an Expert Has Tips

    If you're in your 60s, 70s or even older, you might think your days of productively pumping iron are behind you.

    That's just not true, said Dr. Adil Ahmed, an assistant professor in the Joseph Barnhart Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

    Building and maintaining muscle is ...

    Sport Coach's Style Can Boost a Player's Mental Health

    Athletes whose coaches are open, authentic and positive are more likely to have better mental health, a new study says.

    Athletes feel happier and deal with problems more easily if their coaches adopt an "authentic leadership"style, researchers report in the journal Ps...

    Even a Little Daily Exercise Cuts Your Stroke Risk

    Even a little physical activity can cut a person's stroke risk compared to being a complete couch potato, a new review shows.

    Folks whose physical activity levels fell short of recommended guidelines still had a lower risk of stroke than those who got no exercise, researchers report.

    Compared with no exercise, the highest "ideal"amount of physical activity cut stroke risk by 29%, re...